Nutritional Supplements: Natural Ways to Heal the Brain

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How to heal the brain naturally with supplements

It’s no secret that most people—especially in the United States—struggle to get enough of the right vitamins and minerals from diet alone. This is due to an unhealthy mix of modern agricultural practices, poor diet choices, and busy lifestyles.

Even those who eat a well-balanced diet may still fall short on essential nutrients that support brain function, memory, and mental clarity. This is where nutritional supplements can fill in the gaps and support your health goals.

If you’re looking for natural ways to improve brain health, incorporating brain-boosting vitamins and minerals into your routine can be a game-changer. The right supplements can help reduce brain fog, improve focus, boost mood, and even protect against cognitive decline.

As a leading psychiatrist, neuroscientist, and founder of Amen Clinics and Amen University, Dr. Daniel Amen has spent decades researching how the brain functions and how we can heal it naturally.

Through Amen University’s Change Your Brain Masters Course, Dr. Amen teaches practical, science-backed strategies, including the best supplements for brain health, to optimize cognitive performance and mental well-being.

Benefits of Nutritional Supplements for Brain Health

When it comes to how to heal the brain naturally with supplements, there are many key advantages compared to traditional medications such as:

      Privacy – Unlike prescription medications, nutritional supplements do not have to be disclosed to insurance companies, giving you more control over your own health decisions.

      Cost-Effective – Many brain-boosting vitamins and minerals are more affordable than pharmaceuticals, making brain health more accessible to more people.

      Fewer Side Effects – While no supplement is completely without risk, they generally have significantly fewer side effects than synthetic medications.

      Effective for Mild to Moderate Issues – Specific supplements tailored to your individual needs can support mood, memory, and mental clarity, particularly for people with mild cognitive concerns.

      Better Compliance – Since many supplements contain compounds naturally found in the body, they are often easier for people to integrate into daily routines.

There is continued scientific research showing that supplements play an essential role in brain health. Dr. Amen shares several key nutraceuticals with scientific evidence showing that they improve quality of life and have profound effects on longevity.

Multivitamins: A Brain Health Foundation

Nutrient deficiencies are widespread, particularly in the U.S., where agricultural practices and processed foods have depleted essential minerals from our diets. A high-quality multivitamin can help bridge these gaps with key nutrients necessary for cognitive function.

Multivitamins that contain B vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium, and zinc are essential for neurotransmitter production, stress regulation, and overall brain energy. B vitamins, in particular, are known for their role in reducing brain fog, anxiety, and fatigue.

If you want to naturally improve brain health, eating whole foods rich in essential nutrients should always come first. However, adding a multivitamin can help ensure you’re getting the right balance to support long-term brain function.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Essential for Brain Repair

Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA, are vital for brain function, memory retention, and mental well-being. A study found that people with higher levels of omega-3s had improved cognitive function and brain volume compared to those with deficiencies.

Unfortunately, many people consume too many omega-6 and omega-9 fats, most often found in processed and fried foods, leading to increased inflammation in the brain and throughout the body.

Adding more omega-3-rich foods, such as wild-caught fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts, can help. However, many experts, including Dr. Amen, recommend supplementing with a high-quality fish oil or a plant-based omega-3 supplement (such as algae oil) to ensure optimal levels.

Why Omega-3s Are Among the Best Supplements for Brain Health

      Reduce inflammation – Chronic brain inflammation has been linked to depression, anxiety, and memory problems.

      Support mental health – A study in the Journal of Personalized Medicine found that people with higher levels of omega-3s had lower rates of depression.

      Improve cognitive functionResearch suggests regular omega-3 intake can slow age-related cognitive decline like Alzheimer’s disease.

Vitamin D3: The Brain’s Sunshine Vitamin

Vitamin D3 plays a critical role in brain function, yet up to 42% of Americans have insufficient levels. Low levels of vitamin D3 have been linked to reduced brain volume, increased risk of dementia, and mood disorders like depression.

How Vitamin D3 Supports Brain Health

      Helps regulate mood by supporting serotonin production

      Protects against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, and vascular dementia.

      Supports immune function, which is essential for reducing brain inflammation

The best way to increase vitamin D3 naturally is through sun exposure. It’s also a great excuse for a walk outside for some fresh air and natural light. Unfortunately, the reality is that it’s not always possible, so taking a D3 supplement (with magnesium and vitamin K2, not K1, for better absorption) is a smart way to maintain optimal levels.

Find the Right Supplements for Your Brain Type

Dr. Amen understands that not all brains are the same—and neither are their nutritional needs. By understanding your brain type, which Dr. Amen explains in the Change Your Brain Masters Course, you can learn which supplements may work best for you. For example:

      Impulsive? Increase dopamine with tyrosine, green tea extract, or rhodiola.

      Compulsive? Boost serotonin with 5-HTP or saffron extract.

      Both impulsive and compulsive? Support dopamine and serotonin with SAMe or St. John’s Wort.

      Feeling sad? Increase dopamine and norepinephrine with L-phenylalanine or curcumin.

      Feeling anxious? Support GABA production with magnesium, theanine, and valerian root.

Understanding your brain type can help you tailor your supplement routine to get the best results.

Brain-Healthy Drinks and Chocolate: Nourishing Your Mind

What you drink can be just as important as what you eat. Many people consume sugar-laden, artificially flavored beverages that spike blood sugar and negatively impact brain function. Instead, opt for brain-healthy drinks such as:

      Coconut water or coconut milk – Healthy fats and electrolytes support hydration and brain function, which make great substitutions in recipes.

      Herbal teas – Chamomile, green tea, and turmeric tea contain brain-protecting antioxidants while also reducing caffeine and additives.

      Sugar-free, high-quality chocolateDark chocolate with at least 85% cacao provides flavonoids that boost brain blood flow and improve cognitive function.

Switching to natural, nutrient-dense options in your regular diet can be an easy way to support long-term brain health. There are plenty of recipes that don’t sacrifice taste for health, so indulge in quality foods that fuel your brain and body.

Now you can learn the same science-backed strategies that have helped so many of Dr. Amen’s patients learn to improve their brain health through nutritional supplements. Take control of your life by registering for Amen University’s Change Your Brain Masters Course now and start feeling more focused, less stressed, and much healthier for years to come.