Concussion Rescue: A Digital Course to Heal Your Brain and Life

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Concussion Rescue: A Digital Course to Heal Your Brain and Life

Have you or a loved one been experiencing confusion, difficulty concentrating, memory problems or moodiness, without being able to pinpoint a specific cause? Or maybe you’ve noticed angry outbursts, balance issues, increased anxiety, or suicidal thoughts. 

You might be surprised to know that these are all signs of a concussion, a form of traumatic brain injury (TBI). And many people experience them without even knowing it. To help you better understand and treat these serious and often undetected injuries, Dr. Daniel Amen produced the online Concussion Rescue course

The course is hosted by Dr. Kabran Chapek, a naturopathic physician with primary experience in psychiatry. A staff physician at Amen Clinics since 2013, Chapek is also a renowned public speaker and author of Concussion Rescue, a groundbreaking book that serves as the basis for this online course. 

With 15 informative modules, it is designed to help you or a loved one bounce back from a brain injury. 

Who Can Benefit from This Online Concussion Course?

As Dr. Chapek explains in Concussion Rescue, concussions aren’t only the byproduct of serious injuries, and they don’t require a loss of consciousness. They can be caused by any head trauma—including car accidents, contact sports like football, physical fights, or falls. 

In addition, brain injuries fall on a spectrum, from mild to severe. You don’t even need to hit your head directly to experience a concussion—it could be caused by a jolting movement, such as whiplash.

While concussion-related hospital visits have been on the rise in recent decades, many concussions go completely undiagnosed and untreated. Other patients’ concussion symptoms are mistaken for mental health conditions and treated with unhelpful or even damaging prescription medications. 

Concussions and TBIs are a silent epidemic. They’re particularly dangerous because these people who have experienced head trauma are susceptible to potentially devastating side effects over time, such as:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety and panic disorders
  • Drug and alcohol abuse
  • Psychosis
  • Post-traumatic stress disorders
  • Personality disorders
  • Aggression
  • Dementia
  • Suicide

The bottom line is, it’s time we all started taking concussions seriously. That’s why learning more about concussions—how they’re caused, how they’re assessed, and how they can be healed—through an online course is critical for anyone who may be affected. 

Keep in mind, however, that you may not realize when damage to the brain has occurred. At Amen Clinics, 40% of patients have experienced a past head injury—and many of them don’t remember it. You or a loved one may be unknowingly at risk.

Busting Concussion Myths

The Concussion Rescue course delves into a variety of topics to better inform you about the realities of concussions. With its convenient online, on-demand format, you can follow along at your own pace, and view these easy-to-understand videos anywhere, anytime. 

Through the 15 modules, you’ll find new hope and learn the same strategies that have already launched so many Amen Clinics patients on the path of recovery. Most importantly, you may help prevent this serious injury from becoming debilitating or even turning deadly.

In this Concussion Rescue course, find out the facts behind common concussion myths, mechanisms, and methodologies behind TBIs, including:

  • Why it’s not too late to seek help, even for past injuries
  • The difference between primary versus secondary injury
  • Why concussion symptoms can be delayed
  • How protective gear (like a football helmet) doesn’t necessarily protect from TBIs
  • How traditional brain injury medical protocol can overlook underlying inflammation
  • Why SPECT scans can detect brain injury patterns that CT scans and MRIs can’t

You’ll also explore the brain injury assessment process in Concussion Rescue. First, examining your history and symptoms will help determine a timeline of when a brain injury might have occurred. Then you’ll learn about how assessment protocol has evolved over the years, creating the effective trio of physical laboratory testing, SPECT brain imaging, and cognitive testing that can be used today. 

Concussion Therapies: First Aid for the Brain 

Once you better understand the problem, you can delve into the heart of Concussion Rescue: how to start healing your brain. This on-demand course goes beyond mere information, offering up proven concussion therapies and informing you exactly what to do if you have a concussion. 

For example, you’ll explore the 11 risk factors that can hurt or help while healing the brain:

  • Blood flow
  • Retirement and aging
  • Inflammation
  • Genetics
  • Head injuries, including concussions
  • Toxins, such as alcohol, mold, or Lyme disease
  • Mental illness
  • Infections and immune system
  • Neurohormones
  • Diabetes
  • Sleep

You’ll also learn about structural integrity of the spinal cord, and why it’s important to ensure cerebral spinal fluid flow. Then you’ll discover how diet, exercise, supplements, hormones, and sleep—each covered in its own video—can work together to heal the brain. Key takeaways include: 

  • Which types of exercise can boost brain and mental health by enhancing brain-derived neurotrophic factor and growth hormone
  • Which hormones are most often deficient in TBI patients, and how this interferes with optimal brain functioning
  • How concussions wreak havoc on sleep—and how to achieve healthier sleep hygiene
  • The most helpful supplements to improve the brain at a cellular level

In addition to the targeted strategies listed above, you’ll explore numerous supportive natural treatments that will assist the healing process after sustaining a concussion. Deep-dive into techniques to strengthen and retrain the brain, including:

  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)
  • Meditation, including mindfulness-based stress reduction
  • Neurofeedback
  • Brain games

Get acquainted with the most up-to-date methods supported by scientific studies of those with brain injuries, from NFL football players to military personnel. 

Finally, to best prepare for a concussion, you’ll learn exactly what components should go into a concussion first aid kit. The right mix of vitamins, nutrients, and supplements will help you administer immediate aid after a head trauma. You’ll also find out what to use in the days and months after an injury to help prevent severe symptoms in the future. 

Find Hope and Healing After a Concussion

If you’re looking to sharpen your memory and focus in the wake of a concussion (or at any stage of your life), this program is for you. Regardless of your age, how long ago a head injury occurred, or what mental health symptoms you may have experienced as a result, it’s never too late to start boosting your brain performance. 

By learning more about the steps to proper assessment and reducing or eliminating any risk factors, you’ll receive a solid education in the fundamentals of the brain and its injuries. Through implementing the strategies outlined in Concussion Rescue, you can create a complete treatment program that is personalized for you. And, thanks to this course’s convenient online, on-demand format, the path to recovery can start today. 

If you're experiencing confusion, difficulty concentrating, memory problems, moodiness, angry outbursts, balance issues, increased anxiety, or suicidal thoughts, start the healing process now—in your own home on your own time. Amen University's Concussion Rescue is a proven, on-demand course taught by Dr. Kabran Chapek, a naturopathic physician at Amen Clinics with a special interest in the assessment and treatment of traumatic brain injuries and more. Don't wait—take the first step towards a brighter, more resilient future by registering for the course here.